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Shooting Days
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FridayThe models and photographers are arriving friday afternoon, Dominique (one of the photographers) is at the house and i do some shopping. While i'm there the models arrive and decide to also do some shopping, but they go to the other direction (Hamoir). They take their time and arrive back quite late in the afternoon.Friday evening we normally do some shooting outside with led lights. This time we used the basement, it's much warmer there. The picture below was taken with such led lamps. The imige needed to be color corrected.
SaturdayNormally on saturday we go to the gardens of the University of Liège and then to Fort de la Chartreuse. This time we went to the terrils du Martinet nearby Charleroi. It's long way and i think it's too much driving.On one side of the road we have an ancien coal mine with some buildings still left: the mine shaft, some smaller building including a forge and a water tank that was used to provide water for cleaning the coal. Inside the buidings, the best pictures are when we have some sunlight. On the other side of the road there is a railroad yard with some cars that are not used anymore. The yard is situated far from the main railroad and we are not disturbed. The first picture on te right is taken at the water reservoir and the second image at the railroad yard of Monceau sur Sambre. The image below is also at the railroad yard. Meanwhile the models are taking selfies and making some films for TikTok. I get some severe backpain and have to rest in my car for an hour. I didn't take any pictures fterwards.
SundayWe went to a new location that was scouted by Dominique who is living in Liège. The Mémorial Interallié was build after the first world war in rememberance of the fighters from different countries who liberated Belgium. IT's a nice location, but it's quite small and it's best to also take pictures in the streets nearby and in the railroad station of Liège Guillemins. The small street rue des jonquilles is a street with staircases. It's not so well known als the Montagne de Bueren, but it's much calmer and you have ample time to work undisturbed by tourists.The Cointe tunnel on the highway passes unde the Memorial. Since the flooding in july 2021 the tunnel is closed half of the time because of the repair works. The church is not used anymore and the walls are painted with birds. The church is open some days in the year, together with the Mémorial. The church can be used as background, see the first image on the right for sunday. The we go in small groups to the railroad station of Liège Guillemins and walk throug the rue des Jonquilles (image on the right with the staircases). The Liège Guillemins station is weel-know, but we go to the part upstairs, on top of the police station. It's much calmer there and we can take good pictures of the surroundings.
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International Shooting Days 2023
The german photographers left sunday in the late afternoon because the models who were expected to arrive sunday afternoon didn't respond anymore. I do a short shooting with one of the models in the makeshift studio. Marcel uses flashes, i work with ambiant light.
During the shootings in Liège i go from the Monunemnt Interallié to the railroad station and back to bring models to the second location. The models are permanently using their smartphone. Are they enjoing the event? Afterwards they were complaining that nobody worked with them.
And yet another picture with the railroad station in the background, and then an backstage image.
There is one model left on monday. Since i'm the host of the event, i let the remaining photographer taking the pictures while i'm cleaning the house.
For the whole week end, from friday till monday i took pictures for 4 hours in total. I didn't take any picture on monday. When i do a single day shooting with one model i take more pictures and i can be more concentrated than while organising and controlling the shooting days. Why do i need to pay more than thousand euro for such an event? I need to do the shopping, prepare the meals, contact the models (some do respond, some don't, but at the end nobody comes to the shooting days). I'm spending all my time at the phone just for nothing. |
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